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Custom Header / Footer

Custom Header

The default header for your printed pages and PDFs include the page title, website favicon, page URL, date and author.

Default Header

You can add your logo / banner with a tagline above the default header.

Using Plugin Settings

In the PrintFriendly settings page, under the Advanced tab, in the Page header section, choose Custom Image and select the image and add an option Tagline and save.


The PrintFriendly preview will now have the custom image and tagline.


Using CSS Classes

This class can be added to a single element to have it displayed at the top of the preview.

<img src="logo.jpg" class="print-header" />

This class can be added to one or more elements to have them displayed at the bottom of the preview

<p class="print-footer">Footer Content</p>


It only appears at the bottom of content instead of in the bottom of every page.